About Us
Organisation for Community Empowerment (OCE) is a Non-Government Organisation that was founded in 2016 by a group of academics, social scientists, and other individuals. It is registered with the Uganda Ministry of Internal Affairs (Registration #12199) and possesses a nationwide mandate. The organisation is currently operating in Lyantonde District, Ntungamo & Kabale districts. It was established to respond to the causes and effects of mass poverty, poor livelihoods, and diseases like HIV/AIDS.

Despite interventions by Government and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Lyantonde District is 12%, which is far above the 5.7% prevalence rate at the national level (UNAIDS Data 2019).
The Government of Uganda (GoU) has put deliberate strategies in place to eradicate poverty, but a significant number of people (particularly those residing in rural areas) remain below the poverty line. It is estimated that 21% of the Ugandan population cannot meet their daily dietary requirements and cannot afford non-food needs (Uganda Bureau of Statistics, 2018 Statistical Abstract pg. 41). There are serious effects of these challenges that are reflected in our community, including a disproportionately high number of orphans and child-headed, single mother, and elderly-headed households. These households face unprecedented economic and social hardships. There is reduced concentration on agricultural production activities, loss of economically active household members, increased dependency ratio, and reduced labor capacity for agricultural-related activities hence causing food insecurity at household and community levels. The adverse effects of climate change on our people calls for a serious organisation to empower the community to become resilient and adopt strategies that can reduce the impact of such life-threatening challenges.
These circumstances led to the birth of Organization for Community Empowerment, an organization with unique interventions meant to respond to emerging challenges.

A society of people living quality lives.
Mission Statement
To promote the well-being of the most vulnerable people in the community by engaging duty-bearers for the promotion of health rights, quality education, and other social services.
Program Areas
Health rights promotion for the vulnerable people in society. Promotion of initiatives for the disadvantaged people (OVC, women, PWDs, PLWHA, the unemployed youth, and key populations). Promotion of access to quality education (formal and non-formal). Research/ Information
Core Values
OCE will be accountable to donors at all times by conforming to internationally acceptable financial management systems. Accountability to rights holders, local government, and the community will be emphasized by giving them opportunity to evaluate program performance. This value will ensure a strong reputation of the organization and promote confidence, effectiveness, and efficient use of resources.
The organization will be fair to all- irrespective of tribe, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and political affiliations. It will always provide equal opportunity to both women and men, especially during the recruitment of staff and selection of project beneficiaries. Based on the principle of justice for all, and promotion of human dignity.
OCE will involve rights holders and other stakeholders in planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The organization promotes participation in order to make its interventions more meaningful towards those being served.
Quality assurance will be at the forefront of our interventions. This value is important to OCE because quality services are a principle measure of sustainability.
The organization will target highly skilled staff for the implementation of its plans in order to promote good quality for its interventions. OCE will always implement its programs following acceptable professional values and ethics.